The Time is Now

There was a time I wrote every day. Words scrawled across palms and napkins and receipts. Pages of journals have been filled with my ramblings and stories. It’s always been easier for me to find the words on paper. There’s a misconception that writers are articulate. Just because I am verbose in writing does not mean I am the same when it comes to speech. Sometimes I feel that talking ruins words. Things can be twisted beyond recognition.

I’ve never really tried maintaining a regular blog. I have all sorts of other social media though. Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc. Why not a blog? 

This would be a great time to start one, I thought to myself. I’m at a turning point in my life, or a beginning, maybe a little of both. I’ve graduated college and moved away from my parents. I’m about to begin a career with the Walt Disney Company in the new year. Everything around me is changing, mostly for the better. And it’s not just happening to me. My brothers are both getting their lives in order and living their dreams. One on the high seas as part of the Walt Disney family and the other in Georgia in his almost third month of boot camp. We’re all a little older, a little wiser. Our lives are beginning to take off. This is a great time. Being a twenty-something is adventurous, and yes, quite a bit scary. 

So now is a perfect time to start a blog and chronicle this amazing journey I’m on. All the ups and downs. All the moments I miss my brothers. All the days leading up to my next big adventure. It’s not all pixie dust and pretty dresses. It’s a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck and a whole lot of faith. So why not start now?

About laceycbrewer

I'm a recent college grad biding my time before starting a new job with the Walt Disney Company in Orlando.
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1 Response to The Time is Now

  1. Jessica says:

    I’m excited for all of this 🙂

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